Every Conversation Ever

Hello. How was your weekend?

We owe it to each other not to be boring. Our behavior becomes uninteresting when our actions lose variety and purpose. I see this apparent in the daily conversations I have with people. We keep hitting the same notes.

Here is what conversations with me tend to sound like lately:

Me: I generally acknowledge your presence.

You: I acknowledge your acknowledgment and am ready to begin conversation.

Me: List for me all relevant items regarding your well-being.

You: My family, friends, and work are all fine. How about you?

Me: Nothing of note at this time.

You: I’m enthusiastic about this one specific thing that is in the news.

Me: I’ve heard of this same thing. I have opinions on that.

You: Yeah, I’m pretty enthusiastic myself.

Me: But what about this other thing I found out about on the Internet?

You: Is this the thing that everyone is talking about?

Me: Yes.

You: I don’t have an opinion on that.

Me: (pause)

You: I might possibly have other things to do right now. Coincidentally, this is a good place to end the conversation.

Me: You can leave after I list a few more things I am enthusiastic about.

You: I’m listening.

Me: Movies.

You: Uh-huh.

Me: Video games.

You: Right.

Me: Music.

You: Sure.

Me: I’m now ready to leave this conversation.

You: I acknowledge I might see you at some future point.

Me: I’m not wholly opposed to that. We should have another conversation at that time.

Pretty much every conversation I have nowadays ends up following this format. Sure, people provide a little variety with their own unique personalities, but what is accomplished is basically the same. We meet each other, we say whatever is on our minds, and then we leave as politely as possible. Have we truly created anything worthwhile with this?

I recognize the majority of people I engage with are not close to me on a personal level. However, that doesn’t mean my conversations with them have to be basic and safe. I want my words to have purpose. I seek to educate people with my ideas. I wish to change their minds on certain subjects. I hope to motivate people to live out their full potential in different areas. Words can be more than just hot air escaping the body.

This was fun. We should talk again soon.



A Disinteresting Theory

Those diagnosed with Asperger syndrome are often described as having restricted and repetitive interests. They are seen as lacking empathy and any desire to share their personal interests with other people. To paraphrase, they don’t seem to care about much. Might I suggest a more empathetic viewpoint?

Having interests makes a lot of work. It uses up time and attention. When we pick up new interests we create more work for ourselves. Our interest holds only when we feel the work we do is worth the effort.

Victims of Circumstance

Our interests build around what we know. We begin life dependent on others to provide us with access to new interests. We consume the material in our reach and we talk to the people directly in our vicinity. Environment determines which interests we can potentially participate in. When our circumstances change, our opportunities to pursue our interests change.

You can’t be a swimmer without water. You can’t be a pianist without a piano. You can’t be a friend without other people.

Think of the Needy

The needs of an individual prioritize interest. Each of us begins by meeting the needs that are most basic. First, we need to not die. Next, we need to find an environment providing the most opportunities. After this, we make for ourselves opportunities to pursue interests based on our separate personalities.

Our time and attention are often placed most on the needs least fulfilled. When faced with multiple opportunities, we choose the ones that will serve our purposes best. In the event when most of our various needs are at sufficient levels, we tend to focus on the needs that are easy to accommodate first before meeting the needs that involve more work.

Chained and Bound

A bond is forged when we decide to place an interest in something or someone. The bond is strengthened by the time and effort we put into an interest. Casual bonds are easily broken and replaced by other stronger bonds. Stronger bonds tend to last longer and are more beneficial to all parties involved.

A bond is more easily maintained when we are in close proximity to the object of our interest. It is simply less work to care about something in front of you rather than something far away. We tend to think less about an interest the farther we get away from it.

Point of Interest

Every potential interest has a point to it; a purpose which initiates our interaction with it. We gain an interest in something when we see the point behind it and how it works. We show no interest in something when we don’t see how it serves to benefit us.

A person goes to a social function to see if anything interesting will happen there. He or she will talk to a few strangers and ask them, “Who are you?” The strangers share a few details about themselves and then the person decides whether there is any reason to keep listening to these people. If no bond was formed, then the person will leave the function feeling there was no point to being there in the first place.

Flout Your Doubt

There is a reason why we don’t all share the same interests. Our doubts keep us from pursuing every possible opportunity we come in contact with. We doubt if a particular interest is worth our time, we doubt if we can make time for a particular interest or we doubt if we are able to accomplish a goal within a set amount of time. Many of us would like to invest time in certain interests, but we don’t pursue them because we doubt if we can make it work.

Doubt can be good. Doubt keeps us from pursuing a course of action we don’t feel we can commit our hearts to. Our actions should have reason behind them. No one should feel pressured to take every single opportunity available to them. We can doubt the paths we feel won’t be of much benefit and believe in the causes we know are worth it.

Express Ways

We each show interest in different ways. Some will talk about their interests with friends, some will make their interests into a career and some will be content just to have an interest. No one is limited in the way they can express interest in something.

It would be unfair to say someone must not care that much because he doesn’t do this or that. We shouldn’t judge people’s separate levels of sacrifice. Just because someone dedicates more time and effort into an interest doesn’t mean that person cares more than a person who gives less.

Cause and Affection

I know what it is like to be the uninteresting one. The one no one ever picks. I’ve watched as friends became less and less interested in my life. I’ve heard people say how wonderful I am just to never hear from them again. I’ve fought to keep people in my life who never intended to keep me.

I don’t know which people I can call on the phone just to talk with them. I don’t know who wishes to hear my story ideas. I don’t know who looks forward to spending time with me. It’s difficult to show interest in something you have no experience in. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people wondering why I’m not calling them at the same time I’m waiting for their call.

My interest is in being someone for someone; to be the example I would have others be for me. We transcend ourselves when we seek to help others even when we can’t fully see the benefit. Putting the needs of others ahead of our own requires a strength and dedication not everyone strives to possess. Someone should care and I’m not going to volunteer anyone besides myself until after I’ve given all my time and effort to the cause.